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Buros/ETS lecture

10th annual lecture features Kyllonen

2:15 pm
Teachers College Hall Room: 112
1400 Vine St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: TEAC
The Buros Center for Testing, in collaboration with Educational Testing Service, is hosting the 10th annual Buros/ETS lecture on Monday, September 12, 2016 at 2:15 p.m. The event is free and open to the public and will be held in Teachers College Hall, room 112, followed immediately by a reception in the Buros Library.

The annual lecture series brings a distinguished research scientist from Educational Testing Service to UNL to speak on current assessment and testing issues. This year, Dr. Patrick Kyllonen will give a presentation titled “Advances and Challenges in Assessing Social, Emotional, and Self-Management Skills.”

School develops more than mathematics and English language arts skills. Social-emotional and self-management skills, or character skills, are also important. We see evidence of their importance in discussions of grit and growth mindsets, in state legislation with standards for social emotional learning, in federal legislation with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) extending accountability to include student engagement and post-secondary readiness, and in OECD’s new international longitudinal study of social and emotional skill development. Dr. Kyllonen will make the case for measuring character skills, then review limitations to current rating-scale assessment, particularly reference group effects, response style bias, and limitations in comparability across nations, schools, and demographic subgroups. Dr. Kyllonen will suggest a variety of solutions including forced-choice measurement, anchoring vignettes, situational judgment testing, and performance tasks, and further discuss measurement models for these assessments. He will conclude with a discussion of prospects and priorities for moving the science of character assessment forward.

Patrick Kyllonen is Senior Research Director of the Center for Academic and Workforce Readiness and Success at Educational Testing Service (ETS). His work focuses on non-cognitive assessment in K-12 and higher education, workforce readiness assessment, and international large scale assessment. He is the author of several books and National Academy of Sciences reports on these topics, is a fellow of APA and AERA, and was instrumental in the development of the Trait-Self Description (TSD) Personality Inventory.

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