Thank You Postcards for Hospital Hero Appreciation Week
Recurring Date Info:
7:00 am –
8:00 pm
The Mill Coffee & Bistro
You can take part in Hospital Hero Appreciation Week by writing a note of gratitude to our hospital community on a special “Thank You” postcard. Postcards are available at The Mill Coffee & Bistro now through November 9. Just drop your completed …
This event originated in NIC Events Calendar.
Building Research Confidence in the Humanities: Citing Images in Presentations and Papers
10:00 am –
11:00 am
Zoom, registration required
Attendees have the opportunity to learn about finding and citing the images that support their papers and presentations. Citations are more than avoiding plagiarism- they are a trail for others to follow and discover sources for themselves. They also …
This event originated in Libraries Workshops & Research Drop-In.
Finding and Implementing OERs
11:00 am –
12:00 pm
Brace Laboratory
Room: 317
With textbook costs rising and the increased awareness of meeting students’ needs equitably, open education resources (OER) can play an important role in higher-ed. This workshop will introduce instructors to leading online resources as well as …
Finding and Implementing OERs
11:00 am –
12:00 pm
Brace Laboratory
Room: 317
With textbook costs rising and the increased awareness of meeting students’ needs equitably, open education resources (OER) can play an important role in higher-ed. This workshop will introduce instructors to leading online resources as well as …
This event originated in Libraries Workshops & Research Drop-In.
Grand Challenges RFP Town Hall
Nebraska Research Days
11:00 am –
12:00 pm
Virtual Session
Grand Challenge steering committee members and staff of the Office of Research and Economic Development are hosting a virtual town hall to provide information about the Grand Challenges RFP process and take faculty questions about RFP requirements.
This event originated in Office of Research and Innovation.
NHS Seminar Series
Evaluating Bioavailability and bioactivity of dietary gamma-glutamyl peptides
1:00 pm –
2:00 pm
Leverton Hall
Room: 304
To Join Zoom Meeting
This event originated in NHS Seminar Series.
Canceled: CAPS Skill Building: Academic Bullying
Drop-In Workshop
3:00 pm –
4:00 pm
This skill-building workshop will help students learn about appropriate boundaries with faculty and standing up for personal rights. No registration is required to participate.
This event originated in Counseling and Psychological Services.
Undergrad Women’s Experience Forum
3:30 pm –
5:30 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Room: Oasis Lounge
CCSW wants to hear from women-identifying undergraduates about their experiences on campus. Pizza & cookies provided. November 2, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. @ the Oasis Student Lounge, 1505 S Street.
This event originated in Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women.
Drop-In Library Help
Recurring Date Info:
4:00 pm –
6:00 pm
Adele Coryell Hall Learning Commons
Room: Consultation Space
Having trouble finding what you need in the library catalog? Need help finding scholarly or peer-reviewed articles for your assignment? “Drop in” to talk with one of our library experts! No appointment needed to ask questions and get tips on …
This event originated in Libraries Workshops & Research Drop-In.
Nebraska Research Days Faculty Slam
Nebraska Research Days
4:00 pm –
6:00 pm
Wick Alumni Center
Join the Office of Research and Economic Development for the Faculty Research and Creative Activity Slam. This event is a part of Nebraska Research Days activities. The slam will highlight faculty sharing their research ideas and vision. Attendees …
This event originated in Office of Research and Innovation.
E. N. Thompson Forum “Facing Immigrant Exclusion: Then and Now”
Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia
7:00 pm
Lied Center for Performing Arts
Wadhia is Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Samuel Weiss Faculty Scholar and Clinical Professor of Law at Penn State Law in University Park. Her research focuses on the role of prosecutorial discretion in immigration law and the …
This event originated in EN Thompson Forum.
Ongoing Events
RHA Door Decorating Contest
All Day
Instagram - @UNLRHA
Decorate your door with a Halloween or fall theme to be considered for one of the top three prizes. Submit your post via Instagram and tag @UNLRHA from October 24th - November 6th (see @UNLRHA on Instagram for more info.) Please refer to the …
This event originated in Hall Government - RHA, NRHH, & Local Councils.
Sleep Challenge
October 25 – November 15
All Day
Virtual event
Learn about the benefits of sleep and how to improve sleep hygiene in our 3-week sleep program. The virtual program includes weekly newsletters, goal-setting guidance, and informational resources to improve sleep quality.
This event originated in Wellness & Nutrition.
International Education Week
Celebrate with #IEWatUNL
All Day
Various Locations
International Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. As part of a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education, International Education …
This event originated in Global Nebraska.
Exhibit - Multimedia
Unkissed Kisses
All Day
Love Library South
Room: 2nd floor and lower level
A new exhibit in Love Library highlights the historical moments of LGBTQ+ literature, writers, and their roles in the history of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The exhibit also celebrates the first LGBTQ course offered at a state university …
This event originated in Libraries.