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National 4-H Youth in Action Awards

Application Deadline

All Day
National 4-H
Every 4?H’er has a story, and those stories are worth telling! Sharing your 4?H story could earn you a $5,000 scholarship and a trip to Washington, D.C. for National 4?H Council’s Legacy Awards!

The 4?H Youth in Action Program recognizes four confident young leaders in our core pillar areas: agriculture, civic engagement, healthy living and STEM.

Each Pillar Winner will experience an exciting year of telling their 4?H story and celebrating their leadership. Winners receive:
- $5,000 higher education scholarship
- Promotional video showcasing their 4?H impact story
- All-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. for National 4?H Council’s Legacy Awards
- Networking opportunities with 4?H celebrities and other prominent alumni
- Recognition as the official 4?H youth spokesperson for their pillar

One Pillar Winner will be selected as the 4?H Youth in Action National Award Winner and will receive an additional higher education scholarship.

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