Aspirational Teaching Institute
Theme II: Inequity; Topic IV
1:30 pm –
2:30 pm
Online via Zoom
Topic 4: Many students experience inequities inside and outside of the classroom.
ASUN Senate
Recurring Date Info:
6:30 pm –
8:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Platte River
The Senate is a group of elected officials from all 6 UNL colleges that introduce and vote on legislation pertaining to students in terms of academics, residence life, RSOs, and more. The Senate meets weekly every Wednesday at 6:30 pm.
This event originated in ASUN Student Government.
Noel Miller
hosted by UPC Nebraska
7:30 pm –
8:30 pm
Nebraska East Union
Room: Great Plains Room
Speaker. Noel Miller’s biting one-liners and topical social commentary has made him a force to be reckoned with in the comedy world. Between directing, touring, podcasting, music and streaming, Noel’s rise has been nothing short of meteoric.
This event originated in Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement.