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Feminist Encounters of the Czech Kind: Where First World Feminism Meets Second World Activism

6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center Room: Ubuntu Room
1505 S St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: GAUN
We invite you to join us for a lecture by Simona Fojtova, Director of Women’s Studies at Translyvania University in Kentucky, to be followed by a reception.

The debates about feminism in the ’90s between Eastern & Western European women were marked by tensions and frustrations, but also by dialogues about power and difference. Moreover, the East/West feminist debates exposed the limitations of importing Western middle-class feminist theory into post-communist Czech culture because of different concepts of women’s equality and constructions of gender. This talk will explore why it was difficult to establish a feminist dialogue between Western & Czech scholars after the fall of communism and how, until recently, the intellectual exchanges over the applicability of Western-style feminism hindered a more supportive cooperation between Czech feminists and gay rights activists. Sponsored by: LGBTQA Resource Center, Be the Change, UNL Senate Convocation Committee, Czech Komensky Club, Department of Modern Languages & Literatures, Women’s & Genders Studies Program.

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