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“Saya Woolfalk: World Builder”

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Sheldon Museum of Art Room: Abbott Auditorium
451 N 12th St
Lincoln NE 68588
Additional Info: SHEL
Humanities on the Edge 2015-16 ‘Posthuman Futures’, a Cross-disciplinary Conversation, presents New York-based artist Saya Woolfalk who will discuss her projects No Place, The Empathics and ChimaTEK. No Place is a fictional future where plant and humans change gender and color, and transform into the landscape when they die. The Empathics are a group of women who physically and culturally metamorphose as they merge identities and cross species. ChimaTEK is an Empathic corporation, designed to sell products that give users access to a Chimeric existence through the creation of personalized virtual avatars. For the past 7 years, Woolfalk has collaborated with an anthropologist to actualize these fictional cultures in museums across the U.S. and around the world. Free and open to the public.

For more on Saya Woolfalk’s work see:
(Dept. of English; History and Communication Studies; UNL Research Council; UNL Faculty Senate; College of Journalism & Mass Communications; UNL Libraries; Sheldon Museum of Art)

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