ABC Q&A Session
Ag Budget Calculator Training
12:30 pm
Online (via Zoom)
Target Audiences:
We’re here to answer your questions about making the best use of the ABC program. Hop on Zoom and let us assist you! We appreciate hearing your questions and your feedback on ABC. Our goal is to make the ABC program user friendly and a useful …
This event originated in Center for Agricultural Profitability.
The Power of Negotiation and Communication: Land Leasing Strategies for Midwestern Ag Women
Lincoln, NE
5:30 pm –
8:30 pm
Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms
Four-part Extension workshop will focus on the basics of land management, leasing and conservation for both landlords and tenants. Registration is required by Jan. 13 by calling 402-441-7180 or going to
This event originated in Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County.