Americans with Disabilities Act/Section 504 for Supervisors
10:00 am –
11:30 am
Virtual Location:
Zoom - Register at the link below.
Institutional Equity and Compliance is offering a professional development opportunity for supervisors on campus on the Americans with Disabilities Act and other laws and policies related to creating an accessible work environment for current …
This event originated in Institutional Equity and Compliance.
Agronomy and Horticulture All-Staff Meeting
Who Does What in Our Department?
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Keim Hall
Room: 150
Target Audiences:
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture staff members are invited to a staff-only meeting with pizza! Hosted by the Staff Advisory Committee, department staff will discuss who does what in our department. Speakers will include Michael Livingston, …
This event originated in Agronomy and Horticulture.
Finding the Balance Between Ag Production and Natural Resource Conservation
Center for Ag Profitability Webinar
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Virtual Location:
Zoom - Register Here
Target Audiences:
With Andrew Little, Assistant Professor of Landscape Ecology and Habitat Management, UNL; and John Westra, Professor of Agricultural Economics, UNL.
This event originated in Center for Agricultural Profitability.
Plant Talk: A Conversation with USDA Horticulturalist Jeff Carstens
Nebraska Statewide Arboretum to host a free online Plant Talk with USDA Horticulturalist Jeff Carstens on January 18
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Virtual Location:
Nebraska Statewide Arboretum Zoom Registration
Target Audiences:
Nebraska Statewide Arboretum will host a free online Plant Talk with USDA Horticulturalist Jeff Carstens on January 18 from 12-1 p.m. CT on Zoom.
This event originated in Nebraska Statewide Arboretum.
Retirement Reception for Bob Wright
3:00 pm –
5:00 pm
Nebraska East Union
Room: Prairie Suite
Target Audiences:
Everyone is invited to a retirement celebration for Dr. Bob Wright, professor of Entomology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. Wright retired Dec. 22, 2023 and worked in Field Crops Entomology Research & Extension for many years.
This event originated in Entomology Department.
Canceled: Three-State Beef Conference
Syracuse, Nebraska
5:30 pm
Otoe County Fairgrounds
Target Audiences:
The annual Three-State Beef Conference gives beef producers and others a chance to spend an evening learning from top researchers and industry leaders. This year topics include corn residue grazing, heifer development and managing cows for longevity …
This event originated in UNL Beef.
Hands-On Calving Workshop
6:00 pm MST
Lower South Platte NRD
Target Audiences:
Nebraska Extension is hosting hands-on Calving Workshops at Sidney and Curtis, Nebraska in January featuring Becky Funk, DVM and Extension Specialist, and Lindsay Waechter-Mead, DVM and Extension Educator. Topics will include calving equipment and …
This event originated in UNL Beef.