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Introduction to FSMA

Online - Dec 2

10:00 am – 2:00 pm
The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is signed into law in 2011 and presents food safety challenges to food manufacturers. This online course provide a basic overview of the FSMA regulations, giving growers and food manufacturers, the necessary information to understand better this regulation and to produce safer food in their facilities.

Provide knowledge to employees about the importance and requirements to comply under the FSMA rules.
Perform a gap assessment on your facility focusing on Current Good Manufacturing Practices, Determination of risk-based preventive controls, and implementation of preventive controls.

This course is designed for those employees who are employed by qualified food manufacturers.
Recognizing that Food Safety is a priority for our supply chain,
the cost to attend the class is covered by a Federal grant through NIST MEP.

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