Context for a Water and Food Secure World, feat. Peter McCormick, DWFI
BSE Colloquium Series
12:00 pm
The Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute (DWFI) was established just over a decade ago with an ambitious mission to contribute to achieving a water and food secure world. The intent was to leverage and catalyze the deep bench of expertise in …
This event originated in Global IANR.
NPOD Seminar - Huabo Su (Online via Zoom)
Neddylation, a small protein modification with a huge impact on the heart
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
via Zoom
Dr. Huabo Su is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Augusta University, Georgia.
This event originated in Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases.
Field Research Programs’ Perspectives about Diversity and Inclusion in Skills Development for Fieldw
Ecological Society of America
3:30 pm
Final in a series. We will discuss the importance of skills development in undergraduate students at field research programs. The webinar will include an opportunity for panelists to answer questions submitted by attendees through a live Q&A session.
This event originated in Center for Grassland Studies.
Debate/Panel Discussion
Women at Nebraska: Experiences & Intersectionality
4:00 pm
Continuing the Chancellor’s Diversity Commissions’ intersectionality panel series, the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women is excited to celebrate Women’s History Month by hosting “Women at Nebraska: Experiences and …
This event originated in Global IANR.